
ICT Infrastructures Managed Services

All Companies must concentrate their efforts in their business Core, since the Management of the ICT infrastructures can be complicated due to the multiple Technologies used, and the best way to do it is delegate the ICT Management to a technological Partner with outstanding Knowledge and capable of advising and guiding in the Transformation of their digital Infrastructures. That Partner can be INARSYS, capable of taking charge of the Client’s ICT Infrastructures Management, and it will allow the Client to have the Flexibility and minimize Time and Effort in the Client’s ICT Services Operation, as well as to change the Model from Fixed Costs Variables Costs.

INARSYS makes available to its Clients its Technological Knowledge to help them to:

– Save Infrastructure Costs

– Improve Infrastructure Management and transform its Operations

– Introduce the last Technological Improvements

– Manage the fulfillment of the Norms and the Technology Contracts.

– Proactively Manage ICT Assets.

– Design their BRS and Business Continuity.

The Relationship between the Client and INARSYS will be based on Transparency, vital to achieve a successful Bond. Service Level Agreements  (SLAs) will play a fundamental Role in the Relationship between both Parties to allow the Client to obtain the best available Services.